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Hi, I’m Anasja. I am a Pilates Instructor, Health Coach & Sport Massage Therapist with a passion for helping people improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, leaving them feeling motivated, confident and strong.

Living and sharing my passion is my greatest achievement. I love to support others in their pursuit to better themselves and in the process I also learn, grow and adapt.

I am a very compassionate person and value the individual nature of each of my clients' journeys.  I strive to empower my clients with a determination to achieve a better quality of life for themselves and to teach them the skills necessary to make it a reality.

Therefore, my goal is to provide a holistic experience centered on the health and well-being of your whole self.

I would love for you to join me on this journey to become your best self.

“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently”

Marie Forleo
“I’m an international qualified BASI Pilates instructor, Sport Massage Therapist and Health Coach”
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